What Does PR Stand For in CrossFit (2022 Guide)

“What does PR stand for in Crossfit?” – We get this question from a lot of newbies to the entire CrossFit lingo. PR simply means Personal Record, and we’ll tell you all you need to know about tracking your PR in this article.

What is PR?

So, imagine during your previous workout sessions you could only do the Devil’s Press for one minute. Then after a while, you noticed you could keep at it for two minutes or more. In that case, two minutes becomes a new personal record for you.

When someone sets a new benchmark for a lift or workout in terms of weight, reps, or duration, it is known as a personal record.

Although setting a personal record is not the primary goal for training, it is something to be proud of because it shows improvement and commitment.

CrossFit athletes are not supposed to brag about their new personal records to other people. Setting goals and breaking personal records is about challenging yourself to get stronger, quicker, and more fit.

Does Tracking PR Make You a Better CrossFitter?

Yes, tracking your PR can make you perform better. You certainly enjoy exercising, but the best approach to identify your abilities and determine whether your efforts are paying off is to measure your PR.

Knowing your strengths enables you to use them to surpass your previous best. Tracking also aids in identifying your areas of weakness. You can begin to address your constraints as soon as you are aware of them in advance.

By comparing your current data to earlier ones, keeping track of your own record enables you to get a clear image of your fitness journey.

Tracking not only allows for comparison but also for the progression of your fitness journey. Usually, seeing the results of your efforts motivates you to keep working hard to get better.

Difference Between 1RM and PR

1RM is an acronym for One-rep Max. It is the heaviest weight you can currently lift for one rep. On the contrary, PR is the highest weight you have ever lifted. That said, your 1RM can be your PR or it can be a bit higher or lower than your PR, as the case may be.

As you can see, these are not essentially the same thing. On some days, you might be feeling pumped and you set a new PR in one rep. On some other days, your output may not be as high.

How To Use PR in CrossFit Training

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, keeping track of all your workouts will help you improve as a CrossFitter.

Many factors can influence your success in CrossFit, but keeping a detailed training journal will allow you to monitor your progress and figure out what exercises are most effective for you.

You could track your training and eventually get a fantastic PR if you kept a journal of your CrossFit workouts for at least a month.

Your PR demonstrates how seriously you have been treating your training. Tracking your personal best also enables you to identify your strengths and limitations, which are crucial if you want to be a great athlete.

Best Ways To Keep Track of Your PR

You may easily track your progress, stay motivated, and be able to continue training by keeping track of your personal record.

Whatever your fitness objectives, keeping track of your personal records for particular exercises and lifts is a terrific way to keep yourself motivated to keep pushing forward.

You may track your PRs in a number of effective ways using technology or the plain old-fashioned pen & paper.

Here are two ways you can do it:

1. Keep a Sports Journal

You may keep track of your PR by keeping a sports journal or diary. Setting a fitness objective and tracking your daily progress is all that is required.

You will need to periodically revisit earlier notes and keep track of the techniques you used to surpass your previous best in order to make sure you are tracking your development.

The main benefit of using a sports notebook over an app is that you don’t need to carry about your device or rely on an internet connection. This is very practical for CrossFit athletes who train in remote locations.

2. Use a Mobile App

Because of how much easier life is thanks to technology, you can track your individual record using specific fitness applications.

With so many trustworthy training apps available, keeping track of your CrossFit goals and daily training activities is simple.

Many apps seamlessly sync with any GPS gadget, including a smartwatch, to upload any workout data immediately.

You can easily keep track of your workouts, create training objectives, discuss your progress with others, and ultimately help yourself beat your personal record thanks to the convenience of using fitness apps.

Check your mobile AppStore for incredible apps to help you track your PR.

What Does PR Stand For in Crossfit? – Conclusion

CrossFit is known for its challenging workouts, which can help improve overall fitness. However, there are also a variety of terms associated with the sport that can be confusing to new exercisers.

In this article, we explored what some of these terms mean and how they contribute to the Crossfit experience. As you have has seen, PR

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When Should You Hit a PR?

The goal should always be to break your previous records whenever possible, but if your preparation is sound, most of your PR efforts won’t be full-throttle ones. 

The opposite is true after a successful one-rep maximum attempt: you feel as though you would have missed the lift if you had added two more pounds to the bar.

2. What to do if you fail a PR attempt?

When you don’t succeed in a PR attempt, accept that lift as a learning experience and move on.

You won’t be able to think clearly during a subsequent effort if you are fixated on your previous failures. Failure in the past does not guarantee failure in the future.

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