7 Best Partner Crossfit Workouts

Looking to add some fresh and challenging fitness opportunities into your own personal workout routine? If so, then you’re in luck! There are a variety of great partner CrossFit workouts out there that can help get your body working hard without having to leave home.

Every couple of months, somebody new posts on Instagram or Facebook about how much they’re enjoying CrossFit. And every time, somebody new is waiting in line to sign up for their first class.

If you’re not already a fan, now is the time to jump on the bandwagon! Here are seven best partner CrossFit workouts that will get you started.

But first, what do you stand to gain from working out with a partner?

Benefits of Partner CrossFit Workouts

Partner workouts can be a great way to improve your fitness and overall health. With the right partner, you can create a workout routine that is tailored to each other’s strengths. This can help you achieve better performance in the gym, and overall improve your health.

1. Meet Somebody New

There’s something about being new to a relationship that’s always exciting. And when you’re in a relationship with somebody you’ve been around for a while, it can be even more exciting. When it comes to Crossfit workouts, a new partner is always perfect.

There are plenty of Crossfit workouts that are perfect for new partners, and we recommend the ones below. Whether your partner is looking to make some serious progress or just wants some fun cardio, these workouts will help them get fit and healthy!

2. Friendly Competition

When it comes to Crossfit, one of the most important things to remember is that it’s a friendly competition.

For years, Crossfit enthusiasts have been touting the benefits of cooperative training, whereby participants work together to complete sets and reps with minimal critique. But what does this mean for athletes who want to be their best?

In short, it means that everyone has an opportunity to improve and learn from one another. This can be a great opportunity for everyone on the team to grow and learn from someone else’s experience- something that many athletes forget about when they focus just on themselves.

3. Moral Support

Having a personal cheerleader might inspire you to perform better or go above and beyond.

4. More Fun

It’s easier when you’re with someone else to laugh and not take yourself too seriously.

5. Accountability

When it comes to fitness, one of the most important things to keep in mind is accountability. If you don’t have a personal trainer who can help you stay on track, it can be tough trying to get your body into shape. That said, having a CrossFit partner can make all the difference.

6. Constructive Critique

A workout partner can alert you when you’re out of form or need to perform the exercise differently. Additionally, he or she functions as a spotter for weightlifting-related WODs.

Best Partner Crossfit Workouts

If you’re looking for a challenging and unique way to work out with your partner, Crossfit is a great option. There are plenty of workouts that can help you look and feel your best, so choose one that suits your partner best. Here are our top 7 favorite Crossfit workouts for partners:

1. Partner Carry

In order for this WOD to be effective, the partners should be at the same weight and fitness level.

For time:

  • Up to 200-meter Buddy Carry. Partners carry each other over their shoulders or in a Fireman’s Carry. Switch at the end.

2. Haley Adams from Morning Chalkup

For time, complete six rounds. While the other partner rests, the other partner completes a round. The last partner to finish a deadlift signals the end of the workout session.

For each round:

  • 21-calorie Row
  • 9 Deadlifts at 220 lbs. for women or 315 lbs. for men.
  • 15 Burpee Box Jump overs at 20 in. for women or 24 in. for men.

3. Don’t Drop the Easter Egg from CrossFit PPG

For this WOD, run 14 rounds for time. An Easter egg, which is either a 20-lb or 14-lb med ball, is held by one partner while the other works.

Do the following:

  • 4 Pull-Ups.
  • 10 Box Jumps.
  • 6 Hand-Release Push-Ups.
  • 8 Air Squats.
  • 100-meter Run together while bringing the ball.

4. Jumping Kettlebell from Athletic Muscle

Do AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) for 20 minutes.

As partner a runs 400 meters, the other partner completes an AMRAP of:

  • 20 box jumps
  • 20 kettlebell swings

5. Rich Froning’s Partner Workout

As the name implies, this WOD was created by Rich Froning, one of the most famous CrossFit athlete.

The WOD is done in three rounds with rests in between. They’re as follows:

  • 1000M bike
  • 200-yard partner sled push
  • 50 strict hspu
  • 200-yard partner sled push
  • 1000M bike


  • 1000M bike
  • 200-yard partner sled push
  • 75 strict hspu
  • 200-yard partner sled push
  • 1000M bike


  • 1000M bike
  • 200-yard partner sled push
  • 100 strict hspu
  • 200-yard partner sled push
  • 1000M bike

This workout is very intense! Well, we wouldn’t expect anything less from a world-renowned CrossFit athlete.

6. I’m Burying You from Krypton Athletics

For time, you can divide the workouts between your partner as you see fit.

Do the following:

  • 100-calorie Dual-Action Bike
  • 100 Deadlifts at 225 lbs. for men or 175 lbs. for women
  • 100-calorie Dual-Action Bike
  • 50 wall walks
  • 100 calorie Dual Action Bike
  • 100 Deadlifts 255.175
  • 100-calorie Dual Action Bike

7. Homer Simpson from WODTOOLS

This WOD is split into 5 rounds, lasting 15 minutes per round. Do the following:

  • 30 HSPU
  • 10 muscle-ups
  • 20-meter single-arm overhead dumbbell walking lunges
  • 1-mile run
  • 20 wall balls


Summarily, partner CrossFit workouts can help you achieve great results when it comes to your fitness goals. By working together, you can create a plan that is tailored to your individual needs, and both of you will be on the same page when it comes to the intensity and duration of the workouts.

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